WP Theme: Simple Notepad

We designed this premium WordPress theme for your personal blogs and diaries. This theme is perfect for writers and artists. “Authors Notepad” can be easily customized and already translated to different languages. It utilizes latest HTML-5, CSS-3, PHP and WordPress native functions for creating the awesomeness that looks good on every browser. We are constantly adding new features to this theme to allow you to personalize it to your own needs. If you want a new feature or just want to be able to change something just ask us and we would be happy to add it. We are glad to present you this premium theme. Enjoy!
The free version of this theme is used simultaneously by more than 3.000 people worldwide!
- Responsive & Mobile optimized design
- Cross browser compatible (work smooth in any modern browser)
- RTL compatible (right to left)
- Ready for translation (Translated to 13 languages)
- Hand-coded, no WYSIWYG stuff
- HTML5 Inside
- CSS3 Inside
- Easy to set up - Theme Customizer
- All 847 Google Fonts with one click
- Built-in iconic font “Font Awesome”
- Widget ready (in footer)
- Built-in Pagination
- Built-in Breadcrumbs
- Template page “HTML map of the website”
- Template page “Without date”
- Block “About Author” below posts
- Custom text of copyright below posts
- Custom text of copyright in footer
- Custom header image
- Custom background
- Custom menu
- Free version published on WordPress.org
- And many more…
This theme is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages. But If your language is not available then you can make one. It is also possible that not all existing translations are up to date, so you are welcome to make corrections. Many of theme users would be delighted if you share your translation with the community. Thanks for your contribution!
- English (default)
- Русский (translated by Arthur Gareginyan)
- Українська (translated by Svetlana Drotyanko)
- Slovenčina (translated by Martin Petrus)
- Afrikaans (translated by Madri Victor)
- Español (translated by Ivan Ratinoff Fortea)
- Polski (translated by Krzysztof Goral)
- German (translated by Alexander v. Falkenhausen)
- Estonian (translated by Taavi Tiitsmaa)
- Catalan (translated by Néstor Malet)
- Danish (translated by Chano Klinck Andersen)
- French (translated by Rolland Dudemaine)
If you want to help translate this theme, please visit the translation page. You can also use the POT file that is included and placed in the languages
folder to create a translation PO file. Just send the PO file to us and we will include this translation within the next plugin update.
Thanks to all who helped us translate this theme into other languages! Thank you very much for your contribution!
The “Simple Notepad” theme is based on another our template which named Anarcho Notepad.
All PHP code, and PDF/POT/PO/MO files is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3).
All HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT code, and PNG files is released under the restrictive proprietary license.
You can download the “Simple Notepad” theme from the official page on the spacexchimp.com website:
Quick-Start Guide
This theme is easy to install. Actually you can install it just as you would install any other WordPress theme. The following are the two ways: automatic and manual.
Automatically via WordPress Admin Area:
- Log in to Admin area of your WordPress website.
- Go to “Appearance” ⇨ “Themes” ⇨ “Add New” ⇨ “Upload Theme”.
- Upload the ZIP file of this theme and click “Install Now”.
- Activate this theme through the “Appearance” -> “Themes” tab.
- After installation, go to “Appearance” ⇨ “Customize” in order to view the theme customization page. There you can customize it to your liking.
Manually via FTP access:
- Unzip the ZIP file of this theme.
- Upload the unzipped catalog to your website’s theme directory (/wp-content/themes/).
- Log in to Admin area of your WordPress website.
- Activate this theme through the “Appearance” ⇨ “Themes” tab.
- After installation, go to “Appearance” ⇨ “Customize” in order to view the theme customization page. There you can customize it to your liking.
Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at arthurgareginyan.com.